Site Content

Scope of Content

Are you a computational scientist, research software engineer (RSEs), academic data scientist, computational scientist, domain scientist, social scientist, digital humanities researcher, student, or someone who use Jupyter Notebooks in a research setting?

We enthusiastically welcome your contributions to the site about developing and sharing Jupyter Notebooks in the context of scientific applications. We also welcome articles about FAIR Principles, reproducibility, open science, accessibility (usable by people with disabilities), and other matters of inclusivity as they relate to computational notebooks.

Looking for more ideas? Check out out Zotero Collection for curated content that hasn’t made it on the site yet.

Types of Content

Blog post: An article with original content in the range of around 500-1500 words. We are in the process of developing templates with suggested outlines, but other formats are welcome.

  • experience reports that describe the trials and successes you have had using Jupyter widgets, JupyterLab extensions, or any other Jupyter-based tools you have used to develop or share your research.
  • news articles that report on new tools or new features of existing tools

Curated content: Brief article that highlights other web-based content (such as tools, websites, books, organizations, YouTube videos, podcast episodes, publications, etc.). Your article should describe why the content is valuable for the Jupyter4Science audience.

  • Publications
  • Books
  • Websites
  • Software/Tools
  • Videos
  • Talks/Events

Out-of-scope content

  • Content that does not fit the scope of the website as defined on the About Page
  • Content that speaks disparagingly about or implies the inferiority of user-friendly tools (for example, that JupyterLab development environment “better than” the traditional Jupyter Notebook interface in all cases)
  • The site administrator reserves the right to reject content that incomplete, noninclusive, or for any other reason
Nicole Brewer
Nicole Brewer
Site Editor and PhD Student at Arizona State University

Nicole is a PhD student in History and Philosophy of Science at ASU where she is using network analysis and other methods to empirically study the reproducibility of Jupyter Notebooks used in research.